My face lit up when I saw her name, because she'd been on mind and I'd been praying for her since our first interaction. I opened up the email, and this is what I read:
"When I first talked to you last year, I did not immediately take the advice you had given me. I was still struggling with everything and I just gave up. But on yesterday at 10:24 PM I prayed the prayer of salvation and told God to take control of my life so I could fulfill His plan for my life. I said bye to the old life and hello to the new life God has in store for me. Thank you for continuously praying for me."
"Thank you Jesus!" I shouted. My heart was so happy.
I thanked and praised God for the saving of her soul. The enemy has lost one. Go Jesus!!
As followers of Christ, this is what we are all called to do - win souls to Christ. We are called to be salt of the earth, and to let our lights shine before men so that they will see our good works and glorify our heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:13-16) What good is a life in Christ if no one can see Him shining through us? We aren't saved just for the sake of holding the title of Christian, but for the sake of compelling others to come to Christ.
If, as Christians, the life we live before others cannot convince one sinner to come to Christ, then we must ask ourselves if we are truly exemplifying Christ-likeness in our daily lives. If we are to be living epistles for Jesus, then when others see us they should see Him and feel His love towards them.
You never know who's watching you, or who so desperately needs Jesus in their lives. And sometimes, the only way others will know anything about the Lord is by the life of those of us who profess to be Christians.
Ponder whether you're allowing the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) to shine through you. Ask yourself if you live your life in such a way that when others are looking for Jesus they can find Him in you. Do you extend grace and compassion to those outside of the fold? Can you look beyond the faults of others and see that they have need of the God inside of you? Can Jesus depend on you to plant the seed of Christ into the lives of the lost?
While none of us have the power to save anyone, we definitely have the power to use our lives as a witness of Christ's love, grace, mercy, and salvation. And sometimes we don't have to say one word; it will show in how we live.
Be encouraged to allow the light of Christ to shine brightly through you.
You never know whose darkness needs your light.
LaKeisha Rainey-Collins
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